China Polyester Film


Polyethylene Terephthalate can be manufactured into plastic films and used for a variety of applications, including food packaging. Many of the plastic bottles used for liquids such as water and soda are made from china polyester film or combined with other elements to make containers created specifically for beer. Before it was discovered that polyester film is a strong oxygen barrier, LDPE was in common use. 

The first famous brand of polyester film, Mylar, was biaxially oriented, and often combined with other elements, to improve its properties. For example, Mylar, when aluminized with a thin metallic aluminum film, becomes reflective and opaque, resulting in BOPET, which is then used to manufacture items that require insulating properties. Insulated food packaging and space blankets are made of this material. 

BOPET thermal films are not easily oriented and are commonly used for over-the-counter drug packaging, or blister packaging, as they are commonly called in the industry. In addition, crystallizable BOPET films are well suited for frozen dinnerware packaging. The 

BOPET membrane can be combined with other particles such as glass or other fibers, and with these additional elements, it becomes much stronger and stiffer. It is also used in 3D printing. 

Polyester and BOPET film for multiple uses. You can order by calling us or visiting one of over 70 locations in  China, Canada, and Mexico. We offer easy ordering of polyester films and polyester sheet products. Polyester polyethylene terephthalate sheets can also be ordered in a variety of sizes or custom cut for you. Call or email us to order.


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