Three Ways to Convince Your Spouse to Go to Couples Counseling


In the words of John, Paul, George, and Ringo, "All you need is love"

But as too many have learned, it's a bit reductive. In our marriages, there are times when we are in love and have problems that we just can't get over.

Sometimes I need help.

Counselor for Relationships provides a safe place for you and your spouse to resolve conflicts with third parties.

But persuading your spouse to take you to counsel can be a minefield. If you're not careful, therapy sessions can spark another big debate.

Be Honest About Struggles

Open and honest communication is an important component of a healthy marriage.

But also your battle choice. We sometimes try to tell ourselves that certain things are no big deal. We don't want to fight or look irrational, so let it slide.

However, these things can accumulate and cause major communication failures. You go months without telling them what's going on because you feel like it's taking too long and it doesn't matter.

I am afraid that my spouse will feel that we are no longer happy with them if we suggest therapy.

But more often than not, your spouse knows that your marriage is not ideal. Being honest about your struggles will help open the door to healing.

Don't play the blame game

There is a saying that ``it takes two to tango''. In the most difficult marriages, there are no innocent parties.

No one is perfect. And in most cases, if your marriage is falling apart, you are both contributing to the situation. Tell your spouse that it doesn't matter who's to blame. you just want to get better

They may also want to help you get married. Blaming out of the way keeps them from becoming defensive.

Let her know you love her Her

If you tell her spouse you want to go to her therapy, they might think it's because you don't love them anymore I can't.

A common association. Many couples do not seek marriage counseling until one of them wants a divorce.

Validate your feelings for your spouse. Let her know that you want to see a counselor, not because you love her.


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