What is Couples Therapy and Marriage Counselling?


The terms “couples therapy,” “couples therapy,” and “marriage counseling” are often used interchangeably to define types of counseling for two people in a committed, intimate relationship. Relationship counseling can be sought to address issues such as lack of connection, love, understanding, trust, or communication skills between a person's partners. Couples therapy can also be a tool to help individuals build healthy boundaries and create win-win scenarios in their relationships.

Marriage or couples counseling is often sought in times of conflict, crisis, or need, such as when a partner is cheating or the relationship is abusive. When relationships go awry, research shows that couples who ask for help do better than those who don't. 

Couples Therapist is a way to build mutually beneficial and trusting relationships after such turbulent or difficult times. However, your relationship doesn't have to go downhill to seek couples therapy. Many couples seek relationship therapy to improve the quality of their already loving and supportive relationships. For example, you might want to improve your communication skills, prevent potential future conflicts, and provide tools for coping with stressful life events such as:

A person seeking couples therapy may refer to a married, single, premarital or premarital, cohabiting, or dating partner. Our psychologists, psychotherapists, and social workers have extensive experience caring for twins and polyamorous couples, as well as heterosexual and homosexual couples.

The Toronto Psychology Clinic offers a variety of approaches to couples therapy and marriage counseling in downtown Toronto, including the Gottman Method of Couples Therapy, Emotionally Focused Therapy, and EFT Couples Therapy. 

Who Goes to Couples Therapy?

Not all couples who seek therapy are married, but marriage counseling makes up a large portion of our client base. Couples may refer to a married, unmarried, in-marriage, premarital, common-law, and/or same-sex relationship. It's not uncommon for platonic friends to seek therapy to establish healthy boundaries or communication strategies to build business relationships. B. Form a company together.

Couples want to improve or strengthen some part of their relationship or use counseling as an opportunity to establish better communication before important life steps such as marriage, children, property, or other business relationships. there is. Some couples are successful in certain aspects such as parenting and division of labor, but struggle to talk about more difficult issues such as intimacy and emotional issues. 

How can couples therapy help?

Counseling helps couples develop stronger relationship skills and manage conflict more effectively. In relationship therapy, individuals become more aware of their communication and behavioral patterns and how each contributes to creating misunderstandings and conflicts in relationships.

Without intervention, these negative patterns can escalate and lead partners to avoidance, disagreements, constant arguments, or other types of conflict. It can promote understanding and reconciliation toward meaningful exchanges. Successful partners in couples therapy report increased empathy and understanding, which ultimately leads to closer relationships.

When a relationship is in jeopardy and a couple is contemplating separation, separation, or divorce, communication is practically broken. It can be difficult to step out of your behavioral patterns and personal habits and beliefs and see your spouse's point of view. Marriage counseling can help couples find ways to work through these issues and move on.

Below is an overview of some of the issues couples frequently seek help with. Feel free to contact us by toll-free phone number. We'll see if we can help with the specific issue you're dealing with.  


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