Do you ever wonder why some people seem to appear more confident than others?
It is believed that people are born with an innate sense of self-confidence. But some studies show that it's possible to train your brain to be more confident. Following these steps will make you feel better and give you the confidence you deserve.
1. Review your self-talk and use mindfulness
Confidence starts with how you think about yourself. It's become very common these days for people to tune in to negative thought streams, and you're not alone here. However, this is controllable. We treat the negative current of self-doubt with CBT or cognitive-behavioral therapy sessions.
“Whether you think you can or not, you are right.” By practicing noticing the thoughts that drive your actions, you become more aware of whether those thoughts are negative or positive. be well identifiable. The first step in building confidence is identifying these thoughts.
Often people don't change until the pain of staying the same outweighs the pain of changing. Do not be this person!! Take inventory of the way you see yourself, and begin to gain back the control you deserve! If you struggle here, CBT can foster improvement in sessions.
2. Set SMART goals - to be sure your goals are SMART, the following acronym
Specific - Your goals are direct, detailed, and meaningful
Measurable - Your goals are quantifiable to track progress or success
Attainable - Your goals are realistic and you have the tools and resources to attain it
Relevant - Your goals should align with your values and long-term objectives
Time-bound - Your goals have a definite deadline
3. Pay attention to how you present yourself- including your posture
Take a moment to look in the mirror before you begin each day, and notice the things you love about yourself. Quickly change the thought patterns if any negativity comes into your mind. Change your channel by noticing what you love. You have the power to gain back that love you had for yourself just by simply smiling in the mirror and noticing happiness. These small activities can make your day better because they not only help you regain control of your life but also teach you to live with gratitude. Always remember to say at least one to three positive statements about yourself when you look in the mirror.
Practice standing upright for the rest of the day and remember how powerful your smile is.
4. Don't compare yourself to others.
You are unique and therefore beautiful. It's easy to see that other people's lives are easier than yours, but don't fall into that trap. When you think of the iceberg, what other people see is just the tip of the iceberg. You can't see what's going on inside another person because 80% of that iceberg, or others, are invisible. So our analysis of the Other is mostly flawed. What looks like the tip of the iceberg is a success, but what you don't see is what it takes for that person to get to that point. Relationship Counseling
To balance this, make it a good daily practice to focus on SMART goals as outlined in point 2.
5. Overcome the fear of failure
We all have fear, so you are not alone. Anxiety is felt as an emotion of fear. You may have legitimate reasons for being afraid. However, in some situations, our fears can become bad habits and negative thought patterns in our lives. As you develop these thought patterns, you should begin to recognize whether your thoughts and fears are rational or irrational. In some cases, you may need a professional therapist to guide you through possible solutions.
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